
Friday, August 14, 2009

The Eagles Have Landed

News broke last night that disgraced footballer Michael Vick has signed with the Eagles.

No word on whether he’ll be able to work out his differences with Don Henley and Glen Frey.

Joe Walsh was unable to comment.
PittGirl Countdown Continues
Blogger and personal inspiration, PittGirl, has posted that she’ll break her big news on August 19, (next Wednesday). In the meantime, she
posted links to some of her favorite items… a Greatest Hits, if you will. Check some of them out; then you’ll understand why I go on about her like I do. I especially recommend the “What They’re Really Thinking” posts, The Giant Eagle story, and the Bug story.

Now, what is the news going to be? If anyone knew, it wouldn’t be news. But I have a prediction.

Ahem… I predict that August 19th is the last day at her job… her job that would be jeopardized if her alter-ego were to become known. I think she’s moving on to a job that has no such peril, and as of August 19th she can resume tickling the funny bone of current and former Pittsburghers, as well as anyone that appreciates good writing.

At least that’s what I’m hoping. Maybe I’m right, maybe I’m wrong. But I’ll be checking in next Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Even ol rummy Joe Walsh is appalled. "This is a song dedicated to all the people who never had a song dedicated to'em". Now even that generosity is outraged.
    I look forward to Pitt Girl's return.


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