
Monday, October 19, 2009

Hold On...

I'm back safe and sound from The Burgh and good times were had by all. Eats were eaten, drinks were drank, mojo was executed properly and I hardly ever got lost.

I have a gazillion pictures to process and upload and I'll try to get some sort of post up Tuesday or Wednesday evening. If only I didn't have that pesky job and they'd just pay me for fiddling around at home on my computer.
To demonstrate my good intentions, here is a picture of Pascal Dupuis about to deflect Sergei Gonchar's shot into the net.

We were sitting in section C30, about 3 rows from the back. We were under the deck and could see all of the ice, but not the scoreboard. So you'll have to forgive the lack of nice, up-close face shots.


  1. You really do "bleed black and gold," don't you? You have both the Pens and The Steelers covered with your incomparable mojo! The Burgh is lucky to have you, and you will forever be a favorite son of this city.

  2. I don't have to be a favorite son... a pretty good cousin twice removed would also be acceptable. I've been removed for quite some time, although my heart never left.


Agree? Disagree? Tell me what you think!

Note: Spam comments will never EVER see the light of day. Don't even bother because I'm way more stubborn than you.