
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Brushes - Part 3A

Solid blues guy "Still a Dog" at Steel City Slant did yours truly a solid by referencing the previous post about meeting up with blues guitar legend Albert Collins.  When I saw Albert, he had a female guitarist named Debbie Davies playing with him in his band.  

Still a Dog has his own story about meeting her at a place in Cumberland MD.  You should check it out.

But now that I'm thinking of it, I thought I'd post some shots from the 2nd time I saw Albert, at Peabody's Down Under in 1989.  Again, I got right up close to the stage, which allowed me to get some great pictures.
Albert and Debbie Davies, mid-jam.

Still jamming.

Albert Collins: Master of the Telecaster.

As I said in the prior post, Albert always goes out into the crowd to play.  Here, it was not nearly so orderly as a hotel ballroom with nice chairs all lined up.  Peabody's was just a mass of humanity on the floor in front of the stage.  Albert just waded in anyway.

Saying goodbye.  Rest in peace, Albert.  You were truly a Great One.


  1. Thank you, again. Priceless pictures. The Iceman is gone but present and preserved here. Heart and Soul in that wonderful, kind and weary face.
    Neatness and order are relative. Albert was at home anywhere hearts were open to the blues.

  2. Nice pix, Bluz. Thanks for putting them up. The things I noticed were:

    How much younger Debbie Davies looked in 1989 than the ones I posted from 2002. I guess it was 13 years. But I think living on the road and the lifestyle that goes with it ages one quickly also.

    The other thing is, look at the perspiration on Albert Collins. His pants are even soaked!! Now that, my friends, was a hard working bluesman.

  3. Mary Ann:
    Eloquently put, as usual.

    That's funny because when I saw the picture of her on your site made me think how much older she looked. I guess 13 years does it to us all.


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