
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Oddly Quick Bits - Puck Fiction Edition

My uncle reposted this video on his Facebook status and it totally made my day.  If you ever wondered how Jules Winnfield from Pulp Fiction would be as a youth hockey coach, click the video below.  I'll be rewatching this for the next 3 hours until the Penguins game comes on tonight.

Warning: Definitely unsafe for work or small to medium-sized children, unless you have earphones.

My Daily Constitutional
I'm a bit backed up in running the editorial cartoons I cherry-pick from First Door on the Left, so I'm dropping a couple here that are thematically linked.


  1. dear god, what the hell was this post about Bluz????

  2. Appropos of nothing: I HATE hockey.

  3. CB, it's about two entirely unrelated topics... a funny video about "what if a vulgar, fictional character coached youth hockey," and a couple of political cartoons.

    After tonight's Pens loss, I almost agree with you. But it's still the most exciting sport you can watch.

  4. I need to re-up the anti anxiety meds. And the Malkin sweater, yeah, it's gonna be ripe come Jan, let alone June. Being born a football fan, learning how to be a hockey fan is a bit traumatic...

  5. DG,
    You do realize that you're allowed to wash the sweater. Mojo is what you believe it is. If you don't believe that washing makes a difference, it doesn't.

    Personally, I choose not to be stinky, so I wash my jerseys when I need to.

  6. Put a habit on this hockey coach and he'd be a dead ringer for my sixth grade teacher. She didn't have a beard though. Then again, maybe she did under all that headgear.

  7. Did she have a wallet that said "Bad M-er F-er?"

  8. I just want to know why hockey season lasts so long? No doubt the Pens are still great (even with a loss) but geez Louise, they seem to play all year!

    Great cartoons. :)

  9. Long?? We're just 2 games into the season!

    We're just getting warmed up!

  10. You know, as completely disjointed and "wth?" as this post is, I LOVE IT! Just what I needed to see today.

  11. You know... some jacked up whateverthehell you wanna call it. EXACTLY what I needed.

  12. Miley,
    It's just another one of my Seinfeldian "posts about nothing."

  13. Next thing you know, I'll be seeing a post about man hands.

  14. "...small to medium-sized children."

    You're the best, Bluz. Just the best.

  15. Large children should be totally fine with it. And I should know because I AM one, after all.


Agree? Disagree? Tell me what you think!

Note: Spam comments will never EVER see the light of day. Don't even bother because I'm way more stubborn than you.