
Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Obligatory Giving of the Thanks Post

OK, Internet, you win.  I saw your requirement that every blogger do a post about what they’re thankful for, so I will comply.  And that has nothing to do with my trying to come up with a suitable topic for today’s post.  Plus… I have it pretty good.

Today I am thankful for…

…Having people around with whom I can celebrate holidays.  That wasn't always the case, when I lived in cities that were far from any family members.  The fact that I can go to my brother’s house for Thanksgiving and Christmas gives me comfort and joy beyond measure.  Which brings me to…

…Having two practically perfect nephews.  Daniel (13) and Sam (7) are the best kids I’ve ever met.  They’re polite, whip-smart, well behaved and always at least act as if they’re happy to see me.  I can sit and talk with them for hours and the time just seems to evaporate.

…Having both parents still around, with whom I can yak with and receive their sage counsel.  A lot of people my age can’t say that.  I enjoy just hanging out with them, when I can.  It’s always a lot of fun.  Just think of all the crazy stories about them I've told you… Realize that all the goofball stuff that I'VE done is likely the result of their ongoing influence.

…Having clear memories of all four grandparents.  As I learned when I spoke at Pinky’s assisted living facility, a great many people have no memory of their grandparents, due either to estrangement or early deaths.  I was 11 when my first grandma died, so I was old enough that I still have many wonderful memories of her.  Plus, I still have my paternal grandfather, who will turn 97 this February.  The guy is a freak of nature and is as tough as the day is long.  I’m thankful that I have his genes rambling around in me somewhere.

…Having a Pinky in my life, who takes amazing care of me.  Even when she’s driving me bugshit crazy, I have to admit that she takes a lot off my plate and runs the everyday business of our lives.  It’s hard to believe I’ve been with her longer than anyone else, ever.  All I can say is that she has amazing tolerance.  I’m not the easiest person to put up with on a daily basis
Oh, and she makes a pretty mean turkey, too!

…Having a job I love for the last 15 years (in March).  While there have been ups and downs along the way, I've generally worked with some great people and made some wonderful friends.  Right now, I love my boss, I love my co-workers and I don’t have to wear a name tag!  Even though my company is still up for sale, meaning I can’t necessarily expect that things will continue as is, I’m ridiculously happy there.  There are zillions of people, employed or not, that can’t say the same thing.

...Having a couple of life-long friends who are always there for me.  I don't make guy friends easily... good thing I met these guys early on in life.  They've been there ever since.  I know if I was ever in trouble, they would be here in a heartbeat  (and vice versa).
Don't give me any trouble... Would YOU want to have to answer to these two?

…Having generally good health.  After having heart surgeries in 2002 and 2007, I maintain a steady beat with very few spells of arrhythmia.  Even my hives (Delayed Pressure Urticaria) seem to be on hold lately.  Ever since the weather turned in September, the hives have ceased to be a problem.  I’m not saying they’re gone; I still get the lumps on my body from time to time. 

I got them on my knees after kneeling down to go through a low-level shelf.  And I got them on my forearms from extended use of an iron armrest.  But they weren't really bad in either place.  But on my hands, where they tend to be the most painful… nothing.  I can push a shopping cart, noodle with my guitar or carve a turkey, without any hives popping up the next day.  All of those activities usually generate itchy, swollen hands.

Maybe it’s just the change of seasons… the hives are always worst in the summer.  But still, I’ve had the problem in past winters, especially when scraping my windshield.  So I have hope that this weird condition of mine might have finally run its course.

…Having teams to root for that are generally competitive.  I can count on the Steelers and Penguins being in the thick of a playoff chase, year in and year out.  The Buckeyes have been on an incredible run of winning football, and “bowl-eligible” or not, they’re still a formidable team this year.  And even the Orioles made the playoffs.  The Pirates… well, OK, they gave us hope right up through August, which lasted several months longer than they’re usually relevant. 

It’s so much more fun to be a fan of teams that aren't mathematically eliminated by the halfway point of their seasons.  Imagine rooting for a city’s teams where a winning season is an anomaly (Cleveland) and all you have to look forward to every year is the inevitable disappointment.

…Having people actually use their computers, on purpose, to come see what I have to say.  I’m so thankful that you take the time out of your day to come here and check in with me and my random bullshit.  I’m especially thankful for those of you that participate via comments.  That way, I know what you think, as opposed to when I examine my StatCounter data and assign you your opinions.  (Yay!  They agree with me again!)  And I'm especially, especially thankful for those whom I've gotten to meet in real life, some recently, others not so recent.  Getting to know these people has been a joy and their friendship means the world to me.  Thank you for encouraging my behavior.

Somehow, the winding path of my life has brought me to this happy place.  Everything’s OK.  I’m as content as I've ever been with what’s going on around here, so like I said,I have it pretty good.  My Thanksgiving wish is that you have the same good fortune.

Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.  Hope to see you again this weekend…


  1. Okay, now I feel bad for taking Thursday off of blogging to actually be thankful in person.

    Nah, not really. I'm good. I'm thankful. I'm moving on.

    1. I only posted because Thanksgiving falls on my pre-scheduled Every Thursday Blogging Schedule. Plus, I needed something to do in the morning, besides get dumbed down by the parades.

  2. OH CRAP!!! I totally didn't get this memo. I will surely burn in internet hell now. :o(



    1. Are you sure you didn’t get the memo? Check your spam filter.

      Oh right, look who I’m talking to… someone with no filter whatsoever…

  3. Every day is thanksgiving for me, especially since our First Born entered our world On Thanksgiving night, we entertained friends with Bluz tales, the carvin/backscratcher fork, the collapsing clothes rod, Twinkie, Hostess and PopTart tales. Laughter is always cause for giving thanks.

    1. So glad I could be of use in entertaining your guests, even from 5 states away. Goes to show you can always trust quality material.

  4. ABSOLUTELY! You are NationWide.

  5. Great list. Glad you have so much to be thankful for. I was going to end my last post with things to be thankful for, and sports (Steelers, Pens, Penn State, occasionally the Pirates and sometimes Pitt) would have made the cut since that is what my post mostly focused on. But I figured a Facebook T'giving shout out was good enough.

    Oh, and I like that assigning opinions thing. I may have to start doing that. :-)

    1. I don't get sentimental very often... The holidays are pretty much it. I'm glad you appreciated. And I hope you saw your part in the list. I was so happy to have met you this summer.

    2. I put my name in parentheses when I read that part. :-)
      Seriously, though, thanks. And it was great to meet you this summer (as well as the others). Looking forward to next year (fingers crossed I make the cut).

    3. If we have a gathering, you'll make the cut. I can guarantee it because I'm always the one sending the "invitations." ;o)

  6. Happy Thanksgiving Bluz! And you're right, having parents who can offer sage advice and knowing your grandparents are very wonderful gifts.

    1. Thanks, Jess. We're both pretty lucky in that respect, aren't we?

  7. I'm thankful for you, too! You've been a true friend and a hoot all these years.

    Soon, you'll just be a coot, so enjoy it while you can.

    (Gosh I'm feeling punch today.)

    1. Love ya Cassandrelu. And I can live with being a coot that's a hoot.

  8. I am thankful for family like you. I was shy as a kid but I never remember being afraid to talk to you. You were tall and funny. That has not changed, and I am so happy you have peace. You deserve it! Luv and XO, Angela

    1. It's been amazing watching you grow from that shy little kid to a beautiful, accomplished, sweet-natured, good-hearted mama.

      I hope EJ gets to be as good friends with Sammy and Daniel.

      Love ya, Sweetie...
