
Monday, May 12, 2014

The Post Where You All Hate Me

As per the apparent Social Media Requirement that anyone on vacation must post a Vacation Feet shot, here's mine:
"So sorry all of you are at work on Monday... I'll think of you while I'm out by the pool, with something cold in my hand."

So, I know you hate me because I'm rubbing my leisure in your face. But try not to hate me because I'm daring to wear Crocs, in this day and age. 

Crocs are perfect for pool/beach wear, because they keep your feet from burning on the scorching-hot cement or sand. You can wear them right in the water, so you don't step on some scuttling, pointy-shelled, pincer-wielding crustacean, or discarded condoms.  

Also, these particular Crocs have the Steelers logo on them, which means they're appropriate for any occasion, from beach-bumming to baptisms.

It's going to be a shame to have to leave, tomorrow.  I'm trying to convince my parents to take me on as a pool boy, but Dad says "That's MY job."  

I would audition for a cooking job, but Mom has that nailed down...

Dad fills in too, as needed...

So it looks like I'm going to have to come home.

On the bright side, at least I can get Pop Tarts at home...


  1. Am I the only one that would rather step on a pointy-shelled, pincer-wielding crustacean? Though in all fairness I guess Crocs are still a step above flip flops.


    1. That's just because you're still young and bullet proof. One day, 25 years in the future, you'll be all, "Damn, Bluz was right!"

  2. but you DID have blooberry bagels! Times are a-chang'in. Next year Popp-Tarts!

    1. But homemade Popp-Tarts don't count.......

  3. That's right... They have to "official" Pop Tarts, or it doesn't count... And none of that House Brand stuff, either!

    1. ok Ok only certified Kellog's pasty, plah textured, corn syrupy, ersatz fruited POP-TARTS, breakfast of Champion Big Guys who have been deprived.

    2. You're just saying that now, to avoid going to The Home.

  4. Oh my god. Now I do hate you! My legs are so pasty white. They glow.



    1. You should try not wearing pants. That always works for me...

  5. Why would there be a used condom in your parents pool? Hmmm?

    There are many things to hate about the above picture . . . the theft of my patented "Misty's Laws" feet on vacation shot, the crocs, the STEELERS crocs, the feet by a pool in Florida at which I am not, instead here slaving away at a job I hate . . . I better stop before I really DO start to hate you. :p

    1. There are no crustaceans in the pool either... Both were in reference to the beach.

      You guys are so easy to troll...

  6. Read this yesterday, still hate you today. With love.

  7. Are they growing tomatoes?

    1. No, just figs, although they just got a new Mandarin Orange tree.

  8. I would like to sign up to go to the Bluz Family Bed and Breakfast please.

    1. Better schedule early… it gets booked up pretty quick!


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