
Monday, July 15, 2024

Ear's Donny!

Let’s see, what is there to talk about this week? Anything big happen over the weekend? Oh yeah, I remember… someone finally took a shot at TFG!

For me, this story and my reactions unfolded in stages. First I saw a blurb on Facebook as I was scrolling, saying shots were fired at a Trump rally. I figured there were potshots in the distance and they hustled the Hustler off stage.

A few minutes later, Sweetpea got a call from her brother, saying someone shot at TFG. My response was, “Come on, I’m sure it’s nothing… if it was, it would be all over the news.”

I stopped myself there because I realized I had the Orioles game on TV and all hell could be breaking loose and they wouldn’t stop coverage of the O’s and Yanks game, so I flipped on NBC.

Oh, OK, this is for real.

It was good that my brother-in-law made the call from home or else my first worry would have been wondering if he was the shooter. The dude is one of the few who’s more left-wing militant than I am.

Within minutes, I saw an instant replay of the incident and began to plot my next blog post. Eventually, there would be several more versions as the story developed.

First off, I thought there was a good chance it was faked. I’m sure Donny T wouldn’t volunteer for the William Tell treatment, but he could have ducked and squeezed a ketchup packet over his ear. I bet he’s got a pocketful of those.

But it looked pretty real and when I heard them start interviewing witnesses and they described seeing a shooter on a nearby rooftop, I thought, The Russians!

It would be a perfect Russian psyop. They get one of their Putin-loyalist snipers in place by greasing some local authorities and having him wing TFG. If this were taking place in Russia, the shooter would probably end up falling off the roof, but here, they just let the Secret Service snipers do their thing.

And the move would be perfect, hitting multiple boxes:

·         TFG gets to pose as a tough guy.

·         TFG garners massive sympathy (definitely from MAGAs, maybe a few independents. Many Dems sorry they missed.)

·         This is cover for every incident of future violence generated by MAGA.

·         Republicans get to play the victim card, which is their favorite move. (Because yeah, the richest echelon of the country and members of a massive organized religion are all victims.)

·         They can fund-raise off of this forever. Imagine the possibilities… They can make a plaster mold of his damaged ear to be used in creating anything from candles to cookie molds, to desktop fidget toys. “For just $50 a month, you can bend the President’s ear.

·         And regardless of what they find out about the shooter, they will ultimately blame the Democrats.

A Russian troll farm couldn’t have dreamed it up any better. And it would explain why such a pampered prince, who hasn’t stared danger in the face since he came home to Melania after the Stormy Daniels case broke, was so ready to start throwing tough-guy poses amid the Secret Service dogpile.

(I figure that he is so ego-driven that he can’t accept being shielded and protected (especially by a woman) because it would make him look weak and scared, so he went into instant Ego Recovery Mode.)

I admit that for an instant, I hoped for something more serious. But only for an instant.  At the moment, there are more good reasons to see him remain alive.

·         If he’s killed, he becomes a martyr for the cause, an updated flag to wave at every uprising and polling place takeover.

·         Project 2025 moves on anyway, only with someone more skilled at the wheel, someone who WILL take steps to protect future Republican rule, and not just his own. Someone capable who will do much more damage to the Republic than a consistent fuckup and repeat loser.

·         I want to see him pay for the atrocities he’s inflicted on the nation. Instant death is too easy on him.

So, by Monday morning, it came out that the shooter was some sad sack from outside Pittsburgh, a high school outcast with his daddy’s AR-15. A registered Republican who also threw a few bucks to ActBlue. He left no social media presence or “manifesto.” Could be he just wanted the notoriety that goes with Suicide by Secret Service.

And yes, Republicans are blaming the Democrats. Always.

It’s especially nauseating to see this group, whose default plan is the death threat, cry about the mean old Left being so doggone violent.

It also seems that TFG took this opportunity to cement one of his lackeys in place with his VP pick, JD Vance R-OH, in case something else happens. It reminds me of a scene in the 90s classic TV show, The West Wing. The VP has resigned, the president has to be removed because his daughter has been kidnapped and he’s under duress, so the Speaker of the House has to step in as president. Played by the old “pre-diet” John Goodman, he says something like, “We have to name a Vice President immediately because as you may have noticed, I’m about one prime rib away from a massive heart attack.”

But I digress. (I loved that show))

Ultimately, I think this was just another loner-wolf doing something that only makes sense to him; maybe trying to impress Taylor Swift instead of Jodie Foster.

Maybe it will turn out to be more complicated than it looks, but I doubt it. There will be many investigations into how this schlub with a rifle got so close to a former president/current presidential candidate. So far the Secret Service and local cops are blaming each other. Eventually, it will get untangled, as well as the shooter's background. I think it’s an Occam’s Razor kind of thing, where the simplest explanation is probably the correct one. Shit happens and #45 has a horseshoe up his ass.

Either way, Republicans will milk this thing like a chocolate-milk-bearing cow outside a defunct Dairy Queen, until they’ve squeezed out every last bit of delicious outrage and then spewed venom all over everyone else.



  1. I'm going to hell but I wish he had not missed.
    Honestly I thought maybe Melania missed.
    Biden can fall asleep in the middle of the road and I'd still vote for him.

  2. Further investigation showed that the donation to Actblue was from a different person with the same name. The far-right shirt that he was wearing indicates that he was a MAGAt who decided that Trump wasn't MAGA enough.

  3. Peggy,
    They could "Weekend at Bernie's" Biden around the oval office for four years and I'd still vote for him over TFG or ANY Republican. P2025 is not just about Trump, it's all of them.

    That clarifies things, if true. (You didn't mention a source.)
    I also saw a thing where someone noted that if a shot from an AR-15 touched any part of his ear, it would have been destroyed. Must have been a glass fragment from the teleprompter that hit him. This was just a random FB thing, but it tracks. Not that TFG will ever admit it. Sounds much tougher to claim he was shot.

  4. Snopes looked into the claim that the ActBlue donation was from a different person with the same name. It's not true.

  5. Infidel,
    Thanks for letting me know. I was wondering why it hadn't been disseminated more widely.

  6. Somehow when this unfolded, I did think about you plotting the perfect post, and here it is😄. The one thing that really got me laughing was when the Twitter/X Universe compared one
    of the female Secret Service Agents to Melissa McCarthy,( who I absolutely adore, and would love to meet). Sending lots of hugs🤗 to you and Sweetpea

  7. Nice to see you again, RO. I've missed you!

    I could only imagine what Melissa McC would be saying to him at the bottom of the dog-pile.

  8. While she does remind you of Melissa, the irony is that this has turned into a,body-shaming nightmare,which I don't appreciate. Then there are men saying that women shouldn't even be in the Secret Service, which I don't agree with.Sadly, people tend to focus on the wrong things. M, of course is beautiful and comfortable in her skin, so I imagine she's sitting back with a glass of cold lemonade laughing 😃 about all the free press.🤣 I miss you too! No one can tell a story the way you can. I'm looking forward to some football and more haircut tales. There may be a chance for your team this year🤞, but who are kidding?🤔😅 Dallas, Detroit or the Chiefs for sure.😉 Happy Weekend!🤗

  9. Well, you encapsulated it perfectly. Myself, it just all was very hard to Believe, let alone Digest, and The Man is a Retired Sniper and said so many holes you could drive a Truck thru in the whole thing that Staging could be a viable Theory, or just another disenchanted Youth with a Gun wanting to go out in a blaze of notoriety forevermore. That Ear Force One's demented Base is wearing ridiculous sized Bandages in solidarity is SO not Normal that it just solidifies how Cultish they are have become. Whether he was grazed by a Bullet or shattered Teleprompter Glass, his whole Fist Pump bravado and Weird Secret Service behavior where they allowed what would be a Center Mass Shot for an ACTUAL Sniper was very... Suspect. He and his hijacked Party Love being The Victim so this only benefitted them IMO. And the other side, with a Cognitively declined Candidate who now has COVID makes me think I'll be Voting for a Weekend At Bernie's... it's all such a Hot Mess isn't it? You just can't make shit like this up... the Nation is in serious trouble and November looms like a Bad Odor we won't be able to rid ourselves of... regardless of who ends up Winning... we'll all be Losing due to what will likely transpire in the aftermath... it won't be Pretty.

  10. I think what happened is that the shooter had to hurry his shot because one of the local cops tried to get up on the roof (before backing back down) so he didn't have time to accurately place the shot. He probably figured he had to hurry if it was going to happen at all.

    Not to mention that this kid was no trained sniper. We're lucky that there weren't more injured bystanders.


Agree? Disagree? Tell me what you think!

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