
Monday, August 5, 2024

Show Me the Money

I’m enjoying the Democrats' new line of attack, calling Republicans “weird” at every turn. Certainly it’s juvenile, but it gets under their skin. At least it bugs them enough for them to start calling the Democrats weird, using the timeless “I Know You Are But What Am I?” defense. Unfortunately for them, the Democrats already invoked the “No Take-Backs” clause.

I say, let the experts weigh in:

I saw a lot of Republican commercials over the weekend smearing Harris, most of which used the sure-fire conservative hot-button terms… “Most progressive Senator ever,” “San Francisco politics,” “Nancy Pelosi,” “Illegal immigrants and gang members” killing people while she was somewhere in the state, etc.

They really love to throw “San Francisco” around. To them it just reeks of hippies, drugs, and free love. They’re all like, “She’s so San Francisco, Rice-a-Roni is suing her for copyright infringement. She’s so San Francisco, it should say Kamala’s Wharf on the sign. Instead of cable cars, she’s pulling tourists up the hills herself.”

And I “can’t even” with the DEI stuff. I mean, wasn’t she elected by her constituents several times for various offices? To the MAGAs, they figure we need to wait for another 42 White guys to become president before they can cope with another person of color. I know I’m not the first person to point this out but the fact that DEI can easily stand for Don Jr, Eric, and Ivanka, all of whom had jobs because of who they were on paper rather than actual skills.


I’m more than ready for someone to finally come back at Republicans who are claiming that the current state of high prices can be laid at Biden’s (and by proxy, Harris’s) feet. Rational people know that the prices of anything are influenced by many factors, not least of which is the amount of profit their manufacturers choose to take.

So, what do you think would happen if Biden or Harris said, “You want us to provide price relief? How about this? How about I order a cap on corporate profits? If you get caught gouging in excess of allowable profit, we fine the shit out of you. And let’s prevent corporations from buying up all the housing to turn the units into rentals, so we can keep a lid on housing prices.”

Watch how fast Republicans scream bloody murder about Socialism, Communism, and every other “ism” that they think will scare you. They don’t want prices to go down. Their donors love these high prices because they’re making one record-breaking quarter of profit after another. And then they get to laugh as they blame it all on the Democrats.

Try asking TFG what his plan is to reduce the cost of living. I’ll tell you his answer: “I have a beautiful plan in the works, the best plan ever, many people said so. It will be released in two weeks.” And we know what that means. There is no plan. Someone who takes pride in skipping out on what he owes people will never care how much things cost.

Just like with the border, Republicans don’t want to take action to fix problems, they want to run on them and blame the Democrats.

Anyway, it’s not like any such economic pronouncement from Biden would pass muster with the new Overtly Corrupt Supreme Court. They’re prepared to thwart any economic plan that isn’t directed at the 1%. That’s why they’re there.


I’m glad that Biden is at least proposing SCOTUS reforms. Drastic action is necessary at this point. The fact that several justices have been bought cannot be hidden. No one provides the kind of financial favors that Thomas, Alito, and Kavanaugh received, without expecting something in return.

Sadly, nothing will ever come of it without the Presidency, the House, and 60 Senators onboard. The only way to get Republicans on board will be when the Supreme Court has a Democrat-appointed majority. (And even then, the rich will just buy off more Democrats.) You can already see the Republican panic in this Wall Street Journal headline:

Republicans didn’t do all that work to pack the court with their own flunkies just to give it up due to the public’s (correct) perception. The Journal goes on to say that the number of possible accusations and complaints will provide the appearance that the court is corrupt. How that differs from what we have right now is beyond me. We already KNOW the court is corrupt.

But the biggest no-go is the idea of an amendment eliminating presidential immunity. And it’s not because of the issue itself, it’s just that any new amendment requires ratification by 38 state governments.

My friend, we can’t get 38 state governments to agree that the grass is green. They could be trying to pass a declaration in which if an asteroid were to be discovered streaking towards a planet-killing collision with Earth, the states would unite in trying to divert it. We would still have red and blue states fighting about something. Maybe the Dems want to hire the most qualified contractors and the Republicans want to hire established Defense Department contractors so they can skim the funds. Whatever the case, we can’t even get 38 states to agree to something as basic as men and women being treated as equals. (And I’d bet some of the states that DID sign on would like to change their minds now.) No, unless there’s a complete overhaul in this country’s collective mindset, we’re never going to see another amendment to the Constitution pass again.

BUT, I don’t see the harm in talking about the issue and getting Republicans on the defensive. It’s good to make them show their true colors. Which, in fact, are always “green.”


  1. It amazes me how many people think prices are set by Administrations rather than by whatever Company is providing and profiting from whatever. Simple supply & demand, Economics 101, and how Capitalism works apparently isn't being taught and explained since so many are completely ignorant about it.

  2. DEI: Don, Erik and Ivanka... LOVE it! *LMAO* The Dems should use that one, but, they're running their ticket wisely by rising above the fray and taking admirably the higher ground Politically, I Love their Optimism and Positivity for the Future and I think Younger Voters are attracted to it. Rather than DonOld who is Mr. Doom, Gloom and Fear personified, he has no future and gives no fucks about the future of our children or grandchildren. He doesn't even care about his own Family and would toss all of them under the Bus to go for himself, he's a true Sociopath/Psychopath.

  3. The best things the Dems can do is stay positive and just let the Republicans talk. They're scaring the reasonable people over to our side.

    Well, that and point out what they're "really" saying via Project 2025 and what Republicans actually do when they're in power. Just look at Texas.


Agree? Disagree? Tell me what you think!

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