
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

PittGirl is Back and That's Church

Today was the day I’ve been waiting for and I almost forgot about it. I was walking across the floor today when it hit me… “It’s PittGirl Day!” (You know, the day I’ve alluded to in the last 2 posts… the day my favorite blogger PittGirl was to issue her Big News.) As I mentioned in my first ever post on this site, she was a major inspiration for me to begin writing again.

I dashed back to my computer, looked up her site and… wow.

She’s out. All of it. With pictures, even, of her and her whole crazy family.

I could list all the salient details but they really should come directly from her, so you can get the lowdown here, at her new blog,
That’s Church.

Now before you get the wrong idea about the site, know that “Church” has nothing to do with religion… it’s just one of her expressions. “That’s church” means “that’s the bottom line… the truth”. You know, like “Word” begat “That’s Gospel” which begat “That’s Church.”

So it’s a great day for the written word… for the snarky written word, in particular. And it’s a day that serves notice that it’s time for all other bloggers to step up their game.

Welcome back to the Artist Formerly Known as PittGirl. Game on!


  1. Happy Wednesday! I look forward to many good reads and upscale snark.
    Pigeons, BEWARE!

  2. I was equally excited when she returned!! Yay!

    Enjoying your blog...



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