
Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

The House of Bluz would like to wish you a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2010.

2009 was tough around these parts, the sporting world not withstanding.  (Any time your teams with the Super Bowl and the Stanley Cup in one year, you can't complain about pretty much anything.)  But for me, my 2009 highlight was finding you, who takes the time to look me up and see what's on my mind.

I've got some good stories lined up for telling this year and with luck, some interesting things to report from 2010.  

To start, I'll be traveling to Miami, tomorrow, to unite with my family and take in the Steelers/Dolphins game.  If all goes as planned, I'll return on Monday and hope to have the story posted by Monday or Tuesday night.  Fortunately, it is no longer hurricane season (see the 2 prior posts) but we have had airline/terrorism activity recently so I'm sure there will be some other kind of aviation CF we'll have to deal with.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this last holiday weekend we'll have for a while and go charging into 2010 with happy hearts.  Let's rock!



  1. Safe and pleasant journey tomorrow, and obviously, hope the Steelers win it for you.

    Happy new year!!!

  2. Ditto to the comment above. Happy New Year! And thanks for sharing your thoughts. Sometimes, it's just nice to have someone else think for me for a change.

  3. Thank you to you both!

    Wow, Cassie, that's quite a responsibility for me. So just in case you wonder, if you should wake up one day and start correlating your scrubs with how messy your day is, it was probably me.

  4. Happy New Decade! This new year brings us all together again. May we stay ever close in 2010.
    The Lunar New Year begins January 15. Let's have another fiesta but sans football. We can stay up all night and not worry about going to the game (although I rarely make it past 9).


Agree? Disagree? Tell me what you think!

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