
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Another Two Feet of Snow???

Sorry... I couldn't help it.  I was going to post it for the last storm, but I got cold feet.



  1. Who is EVER prepared for this! Compliments to the sculptor, one of the enlightened on the planet.
    Think of the response to his work! A Bazillion GROANS.
    Thank you giving new meaning to the expression "Goofy Shit".

  2. That is, at once, the coolest and the creepiest thing I've ever seen.

    If I walked out the door one morning and found those on the sidewalk, I think I'd run back inside and refuse to come out again until winter was over.

  3. Where on earth did you capture this photo? It's great! Did you finally find Big Foot? I am so sick of this snow. My husband and I have been doing a lot of vacation planning as an escape from the realities of winter in the 'Burgh. Of course we can't go till May, so here we are, snow shovels at the ready and a couple of trees to cut down in the Spring due to the last storm. Enough is enough!

  4. Mary Ann:
    As you well know, I have been an aficionado of puns and wordplay since my earliest days, much to the chagrin of all around me. If someone groans, then I’ve done my job.

  5. B Girl:
    Whoever thought of doing this was a genius. When I see stuff like this, I’m always thinking, “Now why didn’t I think of that?”

  6. Cher:
    This is just one of those things that blows around the internet… a friend sent it to me yesterday. I was so shocked that I saw something new, I felt obligated to use it. Plus, I have a devastating weakness for bad puns.

  7. You know...this has to be said. My Mother in Law, the queen of sending me Jesus loves you forwards sent this to me. Had I of seen this on your blog first, then perhaps I'd think it was funny. But because I got this as a forward from her and the one before it from her was a fairy with a butterfly on its shoulder telling me if I send this to 10 other people I'll be loved and God bless know.

  8. I hate those smarmy emails.

    When I first got a PC, I was amazed by all the interesting stuff that got sent around. I suffered through the stupid stuff and just exercised my "delete" finger.

    Now, 11 years later, the same shit is still going around. Any more, I'm so happy when I get something new...

  9. I swear, this is a total coincidence!

  10. I believe you, Vange. I know it's on an email that's going around.

  11. You're awfully fun, you know that?

  12. Thanks, vange!

    And just because I like you too, I posted something new today, to move my "2 Feet" down a notch, leaving you with full custody.


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