
Monday, October 4, 2010

The Mojo Boogie - The Aftermath, Week 4

Well, I've had better days at work.

I didn’t have to take too much shit, but unfortunately I can’t say the same for some of the others in the Steel Citi Underground.  I think word may have gotten out that I’m tough to out-do with the smack talking, because I already know what they’re going to say before they say it.

Like today at lunch, some Rattie fan came up to me and said, “Where’s your Steelers jersey today?” 

Like, “duh”, it’s not jersey day, so just like everyone else’s, it’s at home.  But what I said was, “Where was your Ravens jersey the day after you got your ass kicked by the Bengals?

She didn’t know what to make of that, so she scurried back to the baseboards, where the rest of the Ratbird fans run, so they could go back to planning the Super Bowl parade route.

I should have sent out a list of “Talking Points” to the rest of the group, for use when confronted with flapping Rattie mouths:

1.      The last 3 times the Ratbirds beat the Steelers, they played our 3rd or 4th string QB.
2.      Our usually “lights out” kicker missed 2 field goals.
3.      Three penalties on our last possession, two of which were false starts, in our own house!  (Only included under the guise of handing the “W” straight to them.)
4.      Congratulations on Flacco’s nuts finally dropping.
5.      Lastly, there’s always this:

They hate when we bring that up.

In other news, Steelers blogger for the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Dan Gigler, ran my letter and pictures describing Friday’s Baltimore Insurgency that we conducted.  You can check it out here.  I’d ask you to go and comment and tell him how wonderful we are, but you have sign up for an ID and password first, and I’m not in the business of adding hassle to my friends’ lives.  But you can if you want to.

He asked to send him word of our continuing adventures, especially surrounding the next Steelers/Rats game, so we’ll have to come up with something good.

Search for Reality
A quick search note: I got a search from Thailand, who found my site by Googling “Panic Stricken Rabbit.”  He got the bulging-eyed Roger Rabbit cartoon I had posted in July, which represented the look on my face when I almost wrecked my new car while on the way to the MVA to register it.

Who only knows what he was looking for.  Possibly something from Fatal Attraction, maybe? 

Programming Note
Just to show I’m not all about football and other he-manly pursuits, I won’t be around to comment tomorrow after work, because I’ll be taking Pinky to see the touring show of “So You Think You Can Dance.”  (aka: SYTYCD)  I bought the tickets for her birthday in August and tomorrow is the show.

Pinky was a dance major in college so she got me watching it when we first started going out, and I found I liked it.  Or, more specifically, I found I liked all the young, hot chicks dancing around in tight spangled costumes.  And even more specifically, I’m fascinated by the host, the lovely Brit, Cat Deeley. 

Not only is she tall (5’9” without her customary 3” heels) and drop-dead gorgeous, she’s very quick-witted and funny.  Sadly, I don’t think she goes on the tour, so I’ll have to amuse myself with the hot dancer chicks.  Otherwise, as PittGirl would say, “Set the Stalk-O-Meter to ‘Stun and Self-Unite.’”

Hey, don’t think Pinky won’t be scoping out the hot dancer guys…

Anyway, I may Tweet some thoughts if any occur to me.  I expect there may be some downtime between sets.  Regardless, I’ll be sure to tell you all about it in the next post.


  1. I KNEW I liked Pinky! I wanted to major in dance and minor in French, but my normally supportive parents were all like, "Yeah, we're SO not paying for that."

    So my freshman year, I took nothing but ballet and French classes "to satisfy my fine-arts requirements," but alas, my parents got wise. Sigh.

  2. Well, she also majored in psychology, so she was able to pick up something marketable.

  3. I don't suppose anyone watched LSU play. It was a very exciting and most bizarre game. The other team won first, but then it was determined that they (the defense) had 13 men on the field, so LSU got another chance, and made a touchdown to win the game!! Am I the only one of your friends who watches college ball?

  4. I saw the end of the game, and was in the midst of writing Woman Confused (Miley) a condolence note when the Tigers' fortunes changed.

    You should start reading Woman:Confused... she's a huge LSU fan.

  5. A benefit to being a Hockey fan is that, we play the same team multiple times. One loss doesn't hurt. A sweep sucks. That's another reason I can't get emotionally invested into football. How can you really judge a teams merit based on one solitary game? You just can't. You just. Can't.

  6. Knew you'd hate that loss! It looked so close, too. (Of course, I was watching the race and cursing ESPN and the entire Roush Racing organization the whole time. My boy Tony Stewart lost, too.)

    Congratulations on getting that photo and jersey published! I'll have to look--of course I have online access, since I occasionally look for Penguins stuff. (Speaking of which, it made up for Tony Stewart's near-win, just a little, to hear my wife sputter about Osgood and Franzen's stupidity.) I'm certain there isn't a "Ravens Underground" in Pittsburgh or anywhere else.

    The bit about how she scurried back to the baseboards with the other "Ratbird" fans to plan the Super Bowl parade cracked me up!

    Enjoy the dance performance! My wife likes that show just because she's so amazed by how those kids move.

  7. Cassie,
    That's the thing about football... the season is concentrated into 16 games. The effect of each one is huge, so every game, every play is amplified. It's kind of like the Stanley Cup Playoffs, all season long.

    Now don't get me wrong, I'm still bonkers for hockey. It's just a different kind of crazy.

    Those dancers really are amazing. Even a non-expert like me can see that. The athleticism is unbelievable.

  8. How cool is that! You are taking Pinky to that show. I am impressed and I'll bet she's been to one or two Steeler and Pens games with you! What is this thing called love? :)

  9. Cher,
    Sorry, Pinky hates sports and big crowds. We've seen a few baseball games, but that's about it. If she ever got to a Steelers or Pens game, the pure mania of the crowd would psyche her right out. Then we'd have to fight about leaving.

  10. Bluz - I didn't watch the game. I was too pooped after the LSU game to watch it. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your comeback to the "jersey bitch". Oilfield Trash (aka Mr Glasses) is also a huge steelers fan and he puts up one hand and then the middle finger of his other hand and says "THIS is how many championships WE have. How many do YOU have?"
    You're right - they hate that.

    Pinky is a lucky gal. I can't get into that show but I'm glad that you not only watch it because she asked you to but that you have gotten into it as well. You're one of the good guys ;)

    Judie - me me!! I'm just a small LSU fan. Maybe tiny. It COULD have been the topic of discussion with my Sociology teacher this morning. AND my attorney. And of course my family. And my classmates. Did I mention I don't even live in Louisiana?

  11. You come from a danc'in family. Born to dance. Your first steps were to Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass, before you could walk. You out Bruced the Boss with "Dancing in the Dark" on many occasions.
    Better sit on Pinky lest she join the show. What a great good b'day gift.

  12. #4 made me LAUGH OUT LOUD. He still has that scared little puppy look about him, though.

  13. I never watch SYTYCD but I do love Cat's great sense of fashion... not that guys care about that.

  14. Yeah, I don't think Baltimore perps are feeling so confident that they can start crowing. Deep down, they know that one was delivered on a silver platter.

    Enjoy all that hifalutin culture. And don't fight it. If you feel the need to bust a move right there in the aisle, you do it!

  15. Miley,
    I do the 6 finger salute too… I just never thought to use “that” sixth finger. Great idea!

    I was lucky that the SYTYCD announcement and Pinky’s birthday coincided. When she first mentioned it, I was like, “meh.” But then when I was trying to think of a good birthday present, it was more like, “Hey, why not? They’re coming right to my back yard.” The arena is a 5-minute walk from my building downtown, so Pinky’s going to hop a subway train and meet me here for dinner before we go to the show. I’m actually looking forward to it.

    Worst case scenario, I get a post about how bad it is. Best case, I get a post about how great it was.

    My dance moves are now non-existent.

    Back in the (college) day, when I used to go out the clubs, there was a place in Toledo called “Renee’s”. (It’s changed names many times since then… it was down Heatherdowns somewhere, I think…) Anyway, it was a big “disco.” I used to bust some moves there all the time. If I tried anything like that now, I’d pull so many muscles… probably pull them right off. Plus my voice would be a couple octaves higher.

    Mary Ann,
    What can I say, Herb and the TJB rocked! Sometimes ya just gotta dance!

    The reason he was jumping around at the end was not because he threw the game-winning touchdown pass, but he realized he got to leave the field without having to dislodge Lamarr Woodley’s facemask from his ribcage even once that day.

    Thanks for visiting!

    We notice the fashion sometimes… For example I hate it when they put her in frumpy 1940s-style dresses and tie her hair up in back. Makes her look much less yummy than usual.

    You don’t know the Ratbird mindset. Every win is a crushing victory brought on by the super-human powers of the team. Every loss is a right royal screwing by the officials and the league, both of whom have a long-standing vendetta against the team and the city.

    As for culture, this ain’t exactly Swan Lake. Possibly the Nutcracker though, depending on the choreography.

  16. For the most part, I really admire Cat, because she can hug some of the freakiest, you-know-they're-smelly/sweaty contestants ever.

    But I can't STAND how she does that big smile after she says "So You Think You Can Dance" in the opening. Ryan Seacrest's ridiculous pause in his opening announcement is 100 times less annoying.

  17. Mundane,
    I wonder about that too... she must be quite a good sport to hugging on all those definitely wet and possibly smelly dudes.

    But I can't agree about the rest. She could stand there and smile at me like that for weeks straight, before I'd get tired of it.


Agree? Disagree? Tell me what you think!

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