
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Toon Time

I'm on my way to Pittsburgh (again) today but I didn't want you to feel abandoned, so for your entertainment and enjoyment, may I present a couple of cartoons and stuff I've been sitting on (or just found).  Some are a little old, so I better get them out before they're totally pointless...

OK, maybe that should have read 4 weeks ago/3 weeks ago.

So after the wedding I'm going to the Carpetbagger's place for our Bag'O Fish BBQ.  Looks like it's going to be a hot one.

My blog sister Cassie is going to be there too.  There are 2 things I have to remind myself not to joke with her about... how much she talks, and her ethnic background:

Lastly, I have a signage suggestion for Carpetbagger, as so to make sure his guests make it home safely:

I'll have a full weekend's recap when I return.  Until then, Happy Memorial Day!

Cartoons and photo material gleaned  from First Blog on the Left and


  1. Those are all fabulous! Have a fantastic weekend, and be safe!!

  2. Whoever made these political cartoons is doing it wrong, because they're actually good.

  3. Raven,
    Thanks, and I did, and I was.

    Mrs. Bachelor Girl,
    Don't ever cross Nurse Pain!

    Welcome! Every Friday I pick up a couple toons from First Blog on the Left. And he picks them up from all over the place. I basically steal the ones I like, or think I can use to illustrate a point. Other times, I just upchuck a bunch of them like on this post.

    I've been sitting on that one for a while, waiting for just the right time to use it. It definitely applied this weekend.


Agree? Disagree? Tell me what you think!

Note: Spam comments will never EVER see the light of day. Don't even bother because I'm way more stubborn than you.