
Friday, April 5, 2013

I Thought I Was Hurt, But I Was Just Stoned

I apologize for not having a post up last night.  I really meant to, but I was JUST GETTING HOME FROM THE FREAKIN HOSPITAL!

If you follow my Twitter feed, or have seen my recent tweets on the right-hand sidebar, you know why I was there.  They released me late yesterday afternoon, but I wasn’t quite up for posting yet.  But still, I was thinking of you.  How many other bloggers would live-tweet their hospital stay?  Gotta love a hospital with free wi-fi.

I’ll have something up about my "adventure" over the weekend, probably tomorrow.  But bottom line, I’m OK, and that should continue into the foreseeable future.

But boy, it’s been a rough couple of nights…


  1. WHAT the &^*% You can call to let us KNOW WHAT THE &^*% is UP

  2. You're OK for now !!!!!!!Wait til the PAIN CLINIC sees your ass ....You OK Brother ???????

    1. I'm sorry, buddy, I should have emailed you and John. But it turned out to be no big deal, just a kidney stone. I didn't want to make a fuss. I probably wouldn't have even told my parents until it was over, if I hadn't called them for advice on the symptoms.

      And before you see Cassie's comment and get pissed, I wanted her Nurse's perspective. (It's good to have a Panel of Experts on all topics)

    2. Kidney Stones I've heard are real painful hope to never find out !!!! you pissing into a strainer to catch the little bastard ?

    3. It was a real bitch, and I also hope you never have to find out. They didn't give me a home strainer, so I'm using Pinky's collendar. (Just kidding, PInky.) No, I figure, at 7mm, I'll know if it passes. Even in the dark, I can just listen for the [plink].

  3. He's ok, Reeek, just good ol stoic Tony. Home with meds and a faithful companion, Pinky.

    1. Actually, Pinky is working tonight and tomorrow, so I have peace and quiet, instead. After a hospital stay, that is really appreciated.

  4. I appreciate being kept in the loop. This is hopeful for my future plans with your life insurance. You know, because I'm your beneficiary.

    You're welcome.

    Oh, and cut it out. We have a lunch date in two weeks.

    1. There is nothing that will keep me from the Pens and Bucs games, and our lunch. I'll travel with my Percocets.

    2. I'm gonna boost the policy amount our boy is falling apart fast...

    3. But who should I leave custody of my memoirs?

    4. Probably not me. I'd open up by saying, "He was a real old fart..."

    5. OK, you'll have to submit the manuscript to me via Ouija Board, and I'll edit from the Great Beyond. And if you give me any lip, I'll "possess" you and begin eating meat and stuff that's really bad for you.

  5. Shit man!! I hope it's nothing serious and that you're okay!!

    I'm also hoping you're not Patient Zero and start the zombie apocalypse... Ok... Maybe a little. But just because I don't want to go to work on Monday.



    1. It turned out "not serious," just painful. But I'm OK.

      Sorry, but you can't stay home on Monday on account of me... Patient Awesome.

  6. If anyone can turn a hospital visit/stay in comedy, it is you. I will be looking forward to the post. Glad you are okay and hope you become more than okay soon--physically, I mean; the jury is still out about you otherwise ;-)

    1. True 'dat, sister. And thanks.

      As I was laying on a gurney in the ER, I turned to Pinky and said, "Is it weird that I'm already making notes for my next blog post?"


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