
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Great Kidney Stone Adventure - Intermission

I apologize for not having the true continuation of my story tonight, as I intended.  I’m having a significant degree of kidney stone pain tonight, and am hoping the issue finally “passes.”  I suppose I could carry on, but I’m sure the story would turn out desperately unfunny and jarring to read.  Something like…

“When they finally got me up to my room I immediately YAAAAAAAAAAH…  um, settled in.  I couldn't believe my bed kept MMMMMMMPH… shifting under me…”

As soon as I’m able, I will carry on with my medical misadventures.  Suffice to say, I thought I was out of the woods for the near future, but it hasn’t quite turned out that way. 

So, keep checking back… as soon as I’m able, I’ll get on with the story.  Just call me, Bluzherazade…  Now pass the Percocets... 


  1. So sorry to hear about your continued pain. I hope the matter is resolved soon and you're feeling better.

    1. She should have said DISSOLVED not resolved . Hope to hear of it's passing SOON !!!!!

    2. Thanks, Deb.

      Dad says I should drink lots of Jack, because alcohol is a known solvent. Sure would like to submit THAT bill to the insurance company.

  2. I hope you feel better soon!

  3. Are you being a man about this?

    (I'm seriously joking. Kidney stone pain is awful.)

    1. Boy, are you ever going to feel bad when you see the rest of the story...


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