
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How to Become a Master Baiter

I was trying to think of something to blog about tonight that might be more interesting than the tour of the places I've sat in Camden Yards.  (Yes I know; the space is wide open.)

Because next month’s trip to see my buddies out in Farmville is looming, I was hoping we might do a little pond fishing, and I recalled a story I don’t think I've told you.

A while back, the guys and I were stationed in various spots around a large pond and were having a go at fishing.  The fish were biting, but were quite adept at stealing my bait.  Before long, I ran out of worms.  Just before I dug into my buddy’s tackle box for a lure, I spotted a cottonmouth snake with a frog in his mouth.

Frogs are good bass bait.  So knowing the snake couldn't bite me with a frog in his mouth, I grabbed him right behind the head, took the frog, and put it in my bait can.

The dilemma was how to let go of the snake without getting bitten.  So I grabbed my hip flask of Jack Daniels and poured a little whiskey in his mouth.  His eyes rolled over, he went limp, and I released him into the pond, without incident.  I carried on fishing, using the frog for bait.

A little while later, I felt a nudge on my foot. 

It was the same snake… and he had two more frogs.


I have my Dad to thank for sending me that joke last summer.  I've been saving it for just the right occasion, like when I can't think of jack-all to write about.

If you couldn't tell that was a joke, you must not know me very well.  Do you think there’s any reality in which I pick up a poisonous snake, full mouth or not?  Not without a long-ass pair of tongs and some iron gloves, I don’t.  More likely, I’m making like Usain Bolt and high-kicking it around to the other side of the pond. 

Yeah, I’m gonna pick this up… No freakin’ way.  Nothing says, “possessed,” like a snake with clouded-over eyes.  (Source)

All in all, it makes me wish I had some Jack Daniels in the house.


  1. I also doubt very much that you would waste good whiskey like that.

    1. You know me well, my friend. Missing out on a shot or two of Jack would be quite alarming to me, although not as alarming as a cottonmouth bite.

  2. "Plunk yr magik twanger, Fro-GEE!"
    Good to hear you are being kind to Mittah Nake.

    1. Just like in the old days with “Rip,” it’s in insurance policy for when he’s on the loose.

  3. Damn... Now I want some JD too.... Damn you!



  4. I have JD, but it's also 8 in the morning... what am I saying? It's never too early for good whiskey.

    Also, I'd like to think I'm pretty manly, but you probably won't even catch me holding a garden snake, much less a poisonous one. No thanks. At least I can own up to it.

    1. My Grandpa would say it’s a perfect time for an “eye-opener” shot. And because we have two eyes, we’d need a second one, wouldn’t we?

      I wouldn’t argue with him… he’s 97, so the Eye Opener Theory has served him pretty well.

  5. Whoa...That should be a commercial for JD.

    1. That's actually a great idea. I can't believe they haven't done it yet.

  6. I get back from vacation and see that crazy ass snake in my feed. Yikes! If you actually did that I'd personally send you a bottle of JD.

    1. If I actually did that, it would mean I already had too MUCH JD.


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