
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Weekend Road Trip

Guess where I was this weekend!  I'll give you a hint.

Pinky and I took a quick trip into The Burgh this weekend, to see a Penguins game.  We've been home for a couple of hours now, and I know I need to put up a post this weekend.  But after downloading and fiddling with a whole mountain of pictures, (I can't help it if Pittsburgh is so damned photogenic), all I want to do now is sit down, have a beer and watch the Pirates game.

I'll have the full rundown for you on Tuesday.  Lets Go Bucs!


  1. I love that giant ducky. And I love that it keeps popping up in every single blog I read from people in and around the Pittsburgh area.

    1. If you have access to a giant rubber ducky, how can you not post about it?

      Oh, it just occurred to me… I have to find a way to photoshop it into my masthead.


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