
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Super Bowl XLVIII

The Super Bowl is this Sunday and this year, I get to watch it stress-free.  The Steelers aren’t playing, and neither are any of their chief rivals, or teams that could tie them in Super Bowls won.

They are, however, playing outdoors in a cold-weather climate for the first time.  (Not counting places where it was cold during the game, as an anomaly.)  While it might be entertaining for the casual fan, to see the two teams slugging it out while braving the elements, I don’t like it.

For starters, I think the Super Bowl should be a test of team skills, not an endurance test in an ice box.  The field and weather should be neutral, with the best team winning.  A weather-neutral site factors out where the team’s city is located, and whether they play indoors.  It’s just football.

Also, I don’t like it as a fan who attends games.  (Or used to.  It’s been a while.)  A trip to the Super Bowl should be like a vacation, especially given what it costs to go.  If I’m laying out over $3,500 for a seat (I paid $2600 in 2006 for SBLX, and I’m sure it’s gone up), plus the insane New York/New Jersey hotel rates, plus a possible airplane flight, I want to enjoy myself, not see how much frozen misery I can endure. 

I want palm trees, not beer-cicles.  Or I want hurricane drinks, strings of beads, and the activities associated with acquiring said beads.  I don’t want my contact lenses freezing in my eyes.

As you may recall, I wrote about going to Super Bowl XL in Detroit, when the Steelers played the Seahawks.  We knew we’d be warm during the game, because they were playing at Ford Field, which is an indoor stadium.  However, navigating around Detroit in the cold and snow proved to be miserable.  (As if it’s not miserable in Detroit on a pleasant spring day…)  We were lucky we could find anything, because the snow had covered up not only the street signs, but the additional signage (read: marker on cardboard, taped to other street signs) that led to the event parking.  (We basically had to abandon a tailgate party, for which we had already paid to attend, and hide out in a casino until they opened the gates.
Cheezin, and freezin... 

So even though it could lead to a Super Bowl being held in Pittsburgh, or here in Baltimore, I’m still against it.  Let the game be the star, not the elements.

So, about the game…  I’m picking the Broncos, and I’m rooting for them as well.  Peyton Manning is about as experienced in big games as anyone.  I like Russell Wilson, but he hasn’t really been tested under great pressure.  That’s why I’m picking Denver.

As to why I’m rooting for the Broncos, here’s the deal.  I don’t really have anything against either team.  Manning’s a good guy, but so is Wilson.  Both teams play hard and play exciting football.

You might think I’m not rooting for the Seahawks because of that little outburst from Richard Sherman, after the NFC Championship Game.  Sure, I think he could have handled that interview with a little more class, and sure, he came off like pretty much of a flaming asshole, but that stuff can happen.

He’d just made the play to win the game, then had his congratulations rebuffed by the guy who he just bested, then 10 seconds later there was a mic in his face.  Yeah, the blatant hostility shocked me, but after reflecting on it, I understand.  I’m sure he’s not proud of that moment now either.  And he certainly doesn’t deserve to be labeled a thug or a criminal.  That’s just the knee-jerk reaction from middle-aged white racists, who are always on the lookout for someone to confirm their worst suspicions.

The dude is educated out the wazoo, far more-so than his yokel critics on the Internet, and has pulled himself up out of the ghetto to become a professional athlete, and an All-Pro at that.  I guess it just goes to show that anyone can have a idiot moment.

Here’s why I don’t want the Seahawks to win: Their fans are still crying about how the officials “robbed” them of a win against the Steelers in Super Bowl XL.  It doesn’t matter that replay analysis of almost every “bad call” proved they were correct, they still complain about having the title stolen from them.

Personally, I’d blame the 3 or 4 dropped passes, lax defenses that gave up two big touchdown plays, and the inability to run a 2-minute drill.  But that probably makes me biased.

Also, they’re supposed to be these big “12th Man” superfans, but where were they in Detroit?  Steeler fans outnumbered them 85% to 15%.  They think Detroit was too far, or too expensive?  How about New York?

So, screw Seattle… Let’s Go Broncos!  Besides, a Denver win will make my friends at “A Beer for the Shower” very happy.


  1. Great points about Richard Sherman, he's an interesting and intelligent guy. I'm not rooting against him or anyone on the Seahawks but their fans have no right to complain about referees (did you see that game against Green Bay last year? thatwas some bullshit) I'm rooting for Denver because of Peyton Manning (and I'd like to see Wes Welker redeem himself after that drop against the Giants) but I wont mind if Seattle wins. This is a best-case scenario matchup for me cause I can't stand the 49ers or Patriots and if they were playing I probably wouldn't even watch.

    Also, I agree that it's kind of a dumb idea to have a Super Bowl in New Jersey (especially since NY steals all the credit anyway) but at least Peyton has a chance to silence the critics who say he's not a 'cold weather' quarterback.

    1. Yes... anyone but the Pats... and Ratbirds. I don't have anything against the Niners, but I prefer they remain stuck at 5 titles.. at least until my boys get 7.

  2. The Seahawks may go into shock with how cold it's been.

    1. Yeah, they are used to rain, not snow and freezing temps.

  3. If the Seahawks win, maybe they will (be more willing to) let go of XL? One can hope.

    Besides being a great QB, Peyton is funny, or at least that is how is made out to be in commercials.

    But, really, for the reasons you said, I do not care who wins or loses. I am just hoping for some good commercials and maybe a snow angel in the end zone after a TD. And I get your point about cold weather, but I would so love a SB in the Burgh. Not that I would go (because I am really like a 70-year-old woman now, as much as I hate crowds and commotion). But it would be great, I think.

    1. I hope the Seahawks lose on a bad call, a real one, so that when they complain, I can tell them they made such a fuss the last time, they guaranteed themselves they wouldn’t get any calls in a future Super Bowl. #CryWolf

      A Super Bowl in the Burgh would be cool, I suppose. I wouldn’t go either… I’ve had my fill, and they’ve gotten even more expensive and inconvenient since I went. Have you heard about all the restrictions around the game this weekend? People are banned from walking there, or being dropped off. They are REQUIRED to pay for a $51 shuttle ride. What a racket…

  4. Agree with you, completely. Wow, look at that . . . a football post and I have nothing to say in opposition. ;)

    I'm just hoping for a good game and not a blow out. I'm ALSO hoping to win one of the quarters in my football pool. I guess my house is rooting for the Seahawks, and we all think Sherman is awesome. I was surprised when I heard the interview, but totally got where his head was at. They had been sparring verbally and physically the entire game, his adrenaline was pumping and he was MAD. Cue crazy sounding rant. My favorite was Erin Andrews' face when he started talking. She was like, "um ok, so THAT'S how this is gonna go? Fabulous!"

    Then again, I have nothing against the Broncos, and especially Peyton. He's a class act and a true pro. Has a real shot of winning this thing, for sure. Like I said, I just wanna see a good game, fun commercials and eat some wings. That is all.

    1. Exactly… No stress; we can just watch the game, eat some snacks and enjoy a couple of adult beverages.

      Erin Andrews was like, “But on the bright side, people will be talking about this for years…”


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