
Friday, August 22, 2014

I Call'em Like I Hear'em

This summer we’ve had a steady stream of food trucks set up for lunch every day outside our office building.  I think they’re a fun alternative to the usual grab & go cafeteria food, without having to go anywhere, so I’ve been using them frequently.  There have been seafood trucks, BBQ trucks, Greek trucks, cupcake trucks, even a mac & cheese truck. 

Don’t get me started on the Brazilian street food truck.  When I first heard of it, I was like, “What’s ‘Brazilian street food,” fried monkey?” 

Nevertheless, I tried it last Friday, and got a beef “pastel.”  It was like a cross between a pastry and an eggroll, but filled with ground beef and spices.  It was really good.

We were wondering if it was going to come back today and a co-worker asked me, “Are you going to try the “yucca" pastel this time?”

I was like, “Hell no!  The name says it all right there.  “Yucca.”  Or "Yeeaacha."  What else do they sell, “Fried Bleah?”  “Toasted Ralph?”  “Cream of Hurl?  Yeah, I’ll take a big order of Smoked Heinous.

I think I missed my calling.  I really ought to be in Marketing.

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