
Monday, June 24, 2024

Mid-Year Meme Dump!

I’m preparing this ahead of time because, by the time you see this, I’ll be sitting on a beach earning 20% on vacation. So what better opportunity than this for a MEME DUMP!

Now I can finally do something with a bunch of pictures, cartoons, and memes that have been collecting digital dust in the Bluz Vault while I figure out how and when to use them. Let’s start with:

Current Events

From the Baltimore Sun, quite some time ago:

Still true.

Republican use of Voter ID is 100% attempted voter suppression. No matter how they dress it up, likely Democratic voters get the shaft.

Another persistent lie. The 1% have been dying for access to Social Security money for generations but will do backflips to avoid paying into it any more than the pittance that they do.

And because it’s Stanley Cup Finals season…

The Cup can be won or lost tonight (as of this typing.)

Hannibal Shyster

Put the secret documents in the fuckin’ basket!


It’s a wonder anyone takes this thing seriously.

It’s like going along with adults who have “deeply held beliefs” in the Easter Bunny. (I was going to say Santa Claus, but we know that at the root of it, there was a St Nicholas who actually existed.)

It’s unanimous.

Goofy Shit

From 1984 to about 2005, (before I knew anything about the effects of sodium on the aging body) I had a package of Ramen noodle soup every morning for breakfast. This could have happened to me.

This one just made me laugh.

From Bluz Sister. In my case, that fridge would be in a beachside cabana somewhere.

Courtesy of Bluz Uncle Joe. My only nit to pick is that on the Classic Rock example, the drum solo only comes with the live show.

I’ll be seeing quite a lot of these over the next week, I expect.

See you all on the flip side!


  1. The universal voter ID and permanent registration at 18 is an excellent idea. There would have to be some way of verifying US citizenship for each person, but it should be possible to come up with an effective system for doing that. Republicans, of course, would never accept any such system as being good enough.

    All those things about the King James Bible are damning enough; I'd also note that King James is well known to have been homosexual. The version of the Bible that modern fundamentalists are so committed to as the literal word of God was commissioned and approved by a gay man.

  2. Why did that ramen packet make me laugh so hard?? 🤣🤣

  3. Infidel,
    My favorite disqualifier for paying such literal attention to the Bible is that it was originally written by people who didn't know where the sun went at night.

    Yes, there would definitely be some ongoing work to be done on such a registration system, even if just to keep track of where people vote and how many times. One national database that could be accessed from anywhere would be useful, although keeping it secure would be a nightmare.

    If we weren't so stuck in our ways, they could devise a system where as soon as you drop your vote, it's counted immediately and tracked in real-time. then as soon as the local polls close, the figure could be released, with only the mail-ins to count.

    It's funny because it's possible. Such a mix-up could be tragic, but tasty!


Agree? Disagree? Tell me what you think!

Note: Spam comments will never EVER see the light of day. Don't even bother because I'm way more stubborn than you.