Monday, November 13, 2023

Listen Up, Vermin

All it takes is one little thing to go wrong for Republicans to show their true colors. The reproductive rights amendment passing in Ohio was one of those things because we can see the GOP talking heads revealing more about their intentions than they’d normally like.

First, we have a Republican who apparently wants to repeal the entire democratic process:

I can’t believe anyone listens to this guy in the first place. Didn’t he get laughed out of politics already? But yes, the 2000’s Poster Boy for Religious Prigishness said “Thank goodness that most of the states in this country don’t allow you to put everything on the ballot because pure democracies are not the way to run a country.

I guarantee he would have the opposite answer if the Ohio referendum was rejected. This is all about the man’s internal feeling of superiority regarding himself and his ethnic/religious group. (White, male, religious conservatives.) What he's really saying is that "the people" aren't fit to determine the rule by which they live, they need people like him and his conspirators to decide for them. How noxious is that?

He also took the time to shit on young Ohioans:

You put very sexy things like abortion and marijuana on the ballot, and a lot of young people come out and vote. It was a secret sauce for disaster in Ohio.

Right. To him, voting is supposed to be like cutting the grass. It’s not supposed to be fun or engaging, just something that grownups have to do. Heaven forbid that young people voice their opinion on something that 100% affects their lives. Much better for them to pipe down, listen to their church officials, and get back to flipping those burgers. Never mind that in some states, getting caught with a trivial amount of pot can ruin your life.

This is a disaster for Republicans because it’s one more banner headline shouting that most people don’t agree with them on these positions. In a logical society, that would cause one to question one’s efforts to enact restrictions that are abhorrent to the majority of the state or nation. But not Republicans. They go straight to “How can we enforce our views on this anyway?”

They want to keep bringing the issue up for referendum. To them, it’s just a matter of how they word it, or how they advertise it, not that their central point is objectionable. The referendum passed 56.6% to 43.4%. That’s not even close.

They tried to make the passing threshold higher last August, but that failed as well because people saw that for what it was: an end-around by Republicans to circumvent the democratic process.

Maybe if they can just use the right field-tested phrases, they think, or maybe do something about mail-in voting. Then their standard voter suppression tactics might have more of an effect. Why go to all the trouble to demand certain IDs, close the places that issue them to your opponents, and reduce the number of voting machines so the lines are staggeringly long if people can just mail in their ballots? What’s a ratfucker to do?

Back at Bullshit Central, I mean, Fox "News," Sean Hannity had thoughts:

The preposterousness of this is killing me. Dude, Democrats don’t have to scare people about their abortion rights being taken away; the Republicans are doing a damned fine job of it themselves! All we have to do is look at what’s happening in Texas, Indiana, Florida, and other places where the right-wing inmates are running the asylum.

And look at the very things Republicans are saying… they’re telling us that they want to introduce a national abortion ban. Granted, other Republicans are telling them to STFU, but that’s because they know how badly the country will react to that. Not that it means they won’t do it, just that they want to do it AFTER they amass all the power and have the ability to jerry-rig future elections.

All Democrats have to do to be scared of losing reproductive rights is listen to what Republicans are saying and watch what they’re doing. The conclusion is inescapable.

They do not care what the majority of the country wants. They. Do. Not. Care. We are just blunt instruments to them, peons they need to keep the wheels turning on the economy. Cogs in the machine to keep their cars and yachts running. Grunts to do the heavy lifting of sending dollars to the 1%. What we want is immaterial.

The air of superiority wafts through their pores, where they only hear the voices of their own kind. They do not listen to any other “kind.”

TFG was talking about that this weekend, referring to anyone who didn’t agree with him as “vermin.” He wants to “exterminate the vermin.”

You don’t need me to point out how very Third Reich that is. At this point, they’re leaning into the fascism. TFG has been talking all along about how he’s going to remake government so that it serves HIM, and he can sic the Justice Department and the IRS on anyone who displeases him.

Is that what our veterans fought and died for? So some fat, pampered, schmuck can play King for a Day? Or forever?

In the next election, the very soul of our country is at stake. We have to turn out for the election and win and we have to make it stick. We have to make it painful for those who try to rig the game and overturn the clear-throated voice of the people. And make it crystal clear that the government works for us. All of us, not just the well-connected.

If that doesn’t happen, our mantel of being a free country is doomed. How do I know? Because I’m listening to what Republicans are telling us. It’s the Project 2025 plan. They are literally telling us they’re going to create a government for and by straight, White, Christian/Evangelical, Republicans.

Dissenting voices need not apply.



Anonymous said...

SCARY as Hell!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Sometimes I'm glad I'm old cuz these people are ruining our country and I'll be dead. The young are so damn apathetic and lazy I hope they get out and vote.

bluzdude said...

If they don't, a lot of the consequent destruction of society will be on them.

I voted in every election since I turned 18. There's no reason every young person can't do the same, if they so desire. It just means they have to take an active role in ensuring they are registered and then show up to vote, because Republicans are trying everything they can to make it as hard as possible for young people to exercise their voting rights.

BigWinner said...

Your blog is a testament to your commitment to excellence.