Monday, July 29, 2024

More "News Wheel of Fortune"

With Pat Sajak newly retired, it’s bedlam at the ole Spinning Wheel, so I’ll step up with my ongoing audition for the News Wheel of Fortune. There have been a lot of stories from the last month upon which I haven’t been able to comment. So let's give the wheel a spin and see what comes up.

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Republicans went from not having a platform to having one and it’s still the same platform: Whatever TFG says it is. While they did try to soften their abortion stance, we have to remember that this is a political document, intended to get them elected. What they’re actually going to do is another matter. (See Project 2025.) So, minimized or not, abortion is still in danger of a national prohibition if Republicans regain power. Watch what they do, not what they say.

Let’s take another spin.

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Somewhere, a photo editor suggested that the famed “bloody-faced fist pump” shot might be considered partisan and probably shouldn’t be used by unbiased outlets. So naturally, Fox “News” takes umbrage because the whole point of what they do is biased towards gathering and maintaining conservative power. They’re basically making the editor’s point in that the shot has become iconic in Republican circles and to use it is to endorse TFG. This shows why you can’t take Fox seriously as a news organization.

And speaking of Fox “News” distorting a story, consider:

Ooh, this looks bad for the VP and nominee. The lead sentence of the article: “MSNBC host Symone Sanders-Townsend suggested she had a bad experience working for her ex-boss, Vice President Kamala Harris.

Uh-oh, we could have a new scandal here. But then, the article goes on to talk about how hard it is to represent a woman in politics because of how much abuse gets thrown her way from misogynistic haters. That’s not at all what the headline implies and it’s just one more way Fox “News” skews their coverage. They know that far more people skim the headlines than read the article, so why not leave the masses with the impression that Madame K is a bitch to work for. Never trust anything with a Fox byline. Oh, and there’s more!

This is the same deal, only in print, made possible now that the founder of conservative “news” outlet Sinclair Broadcasting bought ownership in the Baltimore Sun.

The headline screams that a major donor is abandoning Harris. The actual story says that the guy already gave the Biden/Harris campaign a million bucks, which they can keep, but he’s not giving them anymore. Shit, after a donation like that, I’d be done too. That is NOT a lack of support, it’s a statement of prior support. But they framed it as a blow to the Dems in the headline, again knowing that it would leave a lasting impression on more people than those who read the story. Conservatives game the system at every opportunity! OK, that was three stories for one spin. Let’s spin again:

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Herein lies one of the major differences between modern Republicans and Democrats. When a Dem fucks up, he’s out of the club. Have you seen or heard any stories about Dems denying the guy took bribes (in gold bars), saying his trial was rigged, that there was no influence peddling or any other excuse? No, you didn’t because we don’t play that shit. All you saw were calls for him to resign. He got caught and was proven guilty, so he’s gone. That’s how it is and how it should be. We don’t want crooks like this tarnishing the brand. Let’s spin again:

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Boy, talk about a way to get people angry at you, try suggesting that childless people should be treated as second-class citizens. What a maroon, as Bugs would say. They should get on their knees and thank childless people for continuing to fund things like public education, even though they only get the peripheral benefit from it having a less ignorant population. And while they’re at it, thank us for picking up that slack at work when they go on maternity or paternity leave and dump all their work on their single or childless friends. I’m not saying they shouldn’t have leave, but how about a little something for the effort here?

And how smart is it to alienate the nation’s cat ladies not to mention one of the biggest social forces in the country, the Swifties, by smearing their idol, the Single Cat Lady in Chief? This guy looks like a bigger boob with every news cycle. If they ever had a chance to peel off some of the Swiftie votes, it’s gone now. Somewhere, there’s a countdown going, ticking down to when this putz gets replaced on the ticket by Governor Nikki. We’ll spin again:

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And there it is, my friend. TFG is finally speaking the unspeakable truth about his intentions if he were to win in November. I know his handlers are trying desperately to spin this as a joke, but we all know that this guy doesn’t joke. He smears. And this wasn’t a smear, it was a statement. It’s what he thinks because we also know he has less filter than a carton of old Pall Mall reds. He knows exactly what’s in Project 2025 and he’s behind it all the way, no matter how hard he tries to distance himself from it. It just keeps creeping back.

This is what Republicans are defending: a guy who intends to install himself as a dictator by any means necessary and stay there for life. After replacing everyone at Justice with his lackeys and reconfiguring the military…

…who’s to say he doesn’t disband Congress? With his own law enforcement operation, lacking civil laws to keep him in check, and a Congress to impeach, we’ll be stuck with him until he has a massive heart attack. Or someone comes along who’s a better shot than that jagoff from PA. Who knows what damage he’s prepared to inflict on the country before then, or how much of the US Treasury he and his enablers will be able to loot?

That’s it for our show tonight, go forth with your eyes open, engage your mind, and believe nothing you hear from the conservative media (which is basically everything now).

Now one last spin, just for shits and giggles:

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This is a picture from the intro to this year’s MLB All-Star Week Home Run Derby. Is it me, or does this look like they’re in the Hunger Games? It’s like suddenly a siren is going to sound and they’ll all start hitting each other with bats. Which would be no doubt more entertaining than the Home Run Derby.


Infidel753 said...

I can see why Trump watered down the anti-abortion language in the party platform. Unlike most of them, he has no strong feelings on the issue either way, and he understands that hard-line forced-birthism is a vote loser. But if he wins, and Republicans get majorities in the House and Senate, and they pass a nationwide abortion ban, it's inconceivable that Trump would veto it.

bluzdude said...

Right. He doesn't give a shit about abortion but recognizes it as a tool to get evangelicals to vote against their financial interest. But now that it's gone too far, he wants to distance himself from the mess he created by appointing religious wingnuts to the bench. It's up to us to keep this as a campaign issue.