Which reminds me of a story… (I know, what else is new?)
My grandmother had been ill for some time, suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, before finally succumbing to a stroke a couple years ago, around New Year’s. This was my dad’s mom, who made the most magnificent feasts, knitted her grandchildren comforters and size-12 black and gold slippers, and just shined love down on all she knew. I think all of Coraopolis turned out for her funeral.
We all cut our holidays short and traveled to Pittsburgh for the viewings and the funeral. The family viewing was on Friday night and that’s were we said our goodbyes. But there was also a public viewing on Saturday afternoon that we were expected to attend, which happened to conflict with a Steelers/Bills game. That it was the last game of the year and the Steelers had nothing to play for did not alter the fact that I still wanted to follow the game. This was January of 2005… the end of Ben Roethlisberger’s rookie year. The Steelers had been on quite a run and I didn’t want to miss any of it.
I hatched a plan that I thought would work… I was going to use the radio feature of my MP-3 player

So there I was, one ear on the room, one ear in the game. Everything was working like a charm… Then my dad hustled up to me, looking exasperated.
“Oh, geez, he’s pissed at me,” I thought.
Then Dad said, “Well… I can’t find a TV anywhere around here… we’re going to miss the rest of the game.”
Phew! Number One Son to the rescue! I showed Dad how I was wired up and he heartily approved. So I spent the rest of the afternoon sidling up to various uncles, cousins, siblings and one dad, saying things like, “Willie just ran for 25,” or “TD pass to Hines”. I was a one-man version of a sports ticker crawl.
Now don’t you go all tut tut on me… We paid our respects the night before. And given my grandma’s health in her last year, she was in a better place now. It wasn’t a sad thing. Life soldiered on and the playoffs were looming.
Now, we move onto the mojo. I have a bit of a problem here… I don’t know from where I’m going to be watching the game. That means I can’t design the most effective mojo apparel and photograph it right now. What I’m going to have to do is take a variety of things and make the decision on the fly. I might see the game from my aunt’s house, or from our hotel room, or from the hotel bar. Each would dictate a different outfitting. What I’ll do is post it after the fact, once I return from the trip.
In the meantime, let’s talk about the Pens game mojo. The team is wearing their powder blue throwback jerseys on Saturday, which leaves me inclined to match it up. I have 2 powder blues… a Sidney Crosby replica and a Pensblog.com jersey. Given that I wore the blue Sid jersey to a game last year against the Canucks and we lost, but more importantly, my brother is wearing his blue Sid jersey, I have to go with the Pensblog jersey. If at all possible, you want to avoid wearing the exact same jersey as someone else in your party, or else you look like a couple of Twinkies.
So, here’s the Pens game rundown: blue Pensblog jersey, blue old-school distressed log Pens Tee and blue Pens slouch cap.

Wired up story: During the Superbowl, I was at the Benedum seeing Jersey Boys. I got the tickets for my mom as a Christmas gift, not realizing it was Superbowl Sunday.
So I shoved a transistor radio in my purse and had my earbuds in the whole time. The folks around me kept asking what was going on. Luckily, the crazy stuff (like Harrison's run) happened during intermission, so I was able to scream without being arrested.
We Steelers fans always find a way, don't we?
Your story of the funeral and its conflicts was so funny! But it was not irreverant; life does go on.
Love your Pens jersey too. I was at a Pens game once and the arena announcer came on and said, We have Mr. America here. Would you please stand up? Well, near us, this super skinny dude stood up and started taking bows. It was hysterical and I never did see Mr. America. Only at a Pens game....
A lot of people look skinny in a hockey jersey... which is why it's fast becoming my favorite apparel.
Was he wearing a sash?
No, bluz, no sash, but he got a lot of applause! Hey, maybe I'll ask my husbnd to get me a Pens jersey for Christmas. I am so sick of diet living and all I need is the perfect cover-up. See? You have solved yet another problem. :)
You should definitely have Rich get you a Pens jersey... That's the first step toward Mojo-osity! Next thing you know, you'll need a white jersey for summer, to go with the black for after Labor Day...
If a hockey jersey made me look skinny, I would wear one every single day. Ever.
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