Monday, October 23, 2023

Still One Clown Short of a Circus

Man, what a clown show, this Speaker’s race. It was to my delight, last Friday, that Gym Jordan had to bow out of the race in delicious fashion.

Seems he gathered all the Republican House members down in the bowels of the Capitol Building and had them conduct a secret ballot. The question was whether he should continue to pursue the Speakership.

The results? There were 112 votes against him. Recall that he was losing 20-30 Republican votes on prior “official” ballots. But in secret, about half of the party wanted him out. HAH!

It’s just too bad that these “Nay” Sayers couldn’t find their spine in public. It would have been nice to see people standing up saying no to harassment and bullying tactics. But I guess that’s easy for me to say. I’m not the one getting death threats from his MAGA minions.

But regardless, we’ve at least dodged this bullet. Now there are nine more candidates(Sorry, make that eight more) and I don’t see any better choices. It’s kind of like trying to decide whether you’d rather have gonorrhea or chlamydia.

It’s also quite rich that they’re blaming the Speakership logjam on the Democrats! Yes, their own internal squabbling is somehow the fault of their opponents. I suppose if there were no Democrats, they could just divide up the US Treasury amongst their rich donors, fold up shop, and call it a day.

But seriously, they think the Dems should have voted for one of their reprehensible Representatives just to keep things moving. In the dead-wrong direction, but moving nevertheless.

And this coming from people who wouldn’t lift a finger if the shoe was on the other foot. If Democrats were on fire, they wouldn’t piss on them to put it out. They truly have no self-awareness, just an innate urge to blame Democrats for whatever they perceive to be wrong at any given time. Neither the topic nor the principle matter, it’s always the Democrats’ fault. They might as well put it on their campaign bumper stickers.

Update #2: Looks like the Republicans have their Speaker, a true MAGAt who supports a national no-exception abortion ban, ending same-sex marriages, overturning the 2020 election, with much more to come, I'm sure. It's gonna be a bumpy year. Let's see if the Democrats can make some hay out of this.


Now on to something completely pointless, yet (I hope) entertaining.

My mom has been steadily going through her things, now that she’s moved in with my sister, following my Dad’s passing. Last week, she wanted to show me something, a birthday card I sent her in, I’d say, the early 2010s. (I should have put a date on it.)

When getting cards for someone, I usually look for something I can have fun with by tarting it up with side points and banter. Well, this one, I’d completely forgotten about until she showed it to me.

It was a birthday card written in Spanish. Once I saw it, I remembered standing at the card rack thinking I could make something out of it, like providing a faux translation.

I have, in fact, taken four years of high school and college Spanish, so I could probably get pretty close with a legit translation, but where’s the fun in that?

So, this is what she received: (Click to embiggen.)

It’s a wonder she still speaks to me.

This was on the back:

And now, a word from my brother’s cat:


Infidel753 said...

Excellent translation!

they think the Dems should have voted for one of their reprehensible Representatives just to keep things moving

By that logic, a few Republicans should vote for Jeffries so the House would finally have a speaker, even one who would keep things moving in what they see as a wrong direction. Jeffries has gotten more total votes than any one of their guys so far.

bluzdude said...

To Republicans, those kinds of courtesies only run one way. As Stephen Colbert once characterized it, "You scratch my back, I get my back scratched."

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

OMG this bday card was hysterical!!
You are made for these translation cards.

bluzdude said...

Maybe I should put out a whole line of badly translated greeting cards.

Infidel753 said...

Well, they finally got a new speaker and he's basically a more boring version of Gym Jordan. I guess we'll see whether anything worthwhile can get past him. On the other hand, who knows how long he'll last.

bluzdude said...

I'm planning on referring to him in my next past as "Gym Jordan" without the hyper-aggressive frat boy blather." Spoiler Alert!

Bohemian said...

The Cat has the right idea. As for the Speaker, now they've elected a less known devil, makes me wonder how many more infiltrators of the Lunatic Fringe have gotten in elsewhere... hard to fight a battle when the Enemy is so deeply entrenched and not exactly known until they are in positions of power and authority.

bluzdude said...

If they win the Presidency next year, there will be nothing left in the Federal Government but the lunatics. That's Project 2025... to, among other things, replace anyone who isn't loyal to the TFG (as opposed to the Constitution) with those who are. Goodbye to those who know how things work and hello those dedicated to burning it all dow, leaving the smoldering remains to the rich overlords.