Monday, August 19, 2024

The Republican War on Sex

I don’t know how I missed this last February but this should have been a major story, if not for the dereliction of journalistic duty on behalf of mainstream media. Behold this social media post from the Heritage Foundation:

There is so much to unpack here. But first off, let’s remember that the Heritage Foundation is a Republican think tank and funding source that has its tentacles into every level of GOP government, forever pushing for ways to go back to the “Good Olde Days” when women were in the kitchen, Blacks were in the fields, and Gays were in the back of the closet. Back when men did what their bosses told them to do and accepted whatever pay was deemed appropriate. They’d like all of that back again, except without the 90% corporate tax rate. They want that to be zero. They are funded by men who are filthy rich and intend to keep it that way, for themselves and their silver-spoon-fed offspring.

But back to the tenet at hand… keeping women under men’s thumbs. They think the best way to do that is to keep them pregnant. They are for “returning consequentiality to sex.” As if the clap wasn’t enough…

Senseless use of birth control.” Seriously? There is literally no such thing because if a woman or a couple don’t want to become pregnant, that’s all the sense it requires. Everyone else can piss off!

Ultimately, they frame their points as a religious and moral argument.

Like “restoring sex to its true purpose.” When the hell was that? People have been screwing like minks since the dawn of time. Sometimes it may have been under the radar, so to speak, but it was happening. And there have always been these religious pricks trying to make everyone behave.

You people stop boning and get back in the fields!

These people don’t give a flying fig about religion, not for real. Not about the messages of the Bible, anyway. No, they need a way to control people yet still appear to claim the moral high ground. So they wrap themselves in some of the most out-of-touch pieces of the Bible and use it to insulate themselves from examination.

And for other religions? Well, none of those count, obviously. Theirs is the only “real” religion, as if there’s such a thing.

Back in the eighties, Republicans figured out that they could count on the vote of Evangelical Christians if they became the Morality Party and campaigned against abortion, sex, and secularity. It worked for them because it gave them a voting base beyond the rich people they were obligated to placate. And if the Evangelicals didn’t get what they wanted? Who cares? All the more to rile them up for the next election. Most importantly, it didn’t cost the 1% any money. They can always find an abortion if some rich guy’s mistress needs one. This was a great way to get people to vote against their own economic interests.

The Heritage Foundation is knee-deep in all of this. And here they are, actually posting their plans to keep people from having sex.

Well, good luck with that. Have you ever noticed that the states (or cultures) that are the most legally constricted have the highest porn usage? There’s no keeping a cork in that bottle; it’s going to pop one way or another.

So, this is real. The Republicans are coming for sex. They want to restrict or ban contraception, outlaw abortion, and track women’s periods so they can police the whole thing to keep them from exercising their own free will. And they have six justices on the Supreme Court who came with Heritage Foundation endorsements, so whatever religious restrictions Republicans can dream up will be rubber-stamped into the laws of the land.

For “freedom” of course. Complete, flag-wrapped freedom, which really means the freedom to live, think, and act like they tell you.


From The “I Called It” Dept.

In a post two weeks ago, I wrote the following:

Last week, VP Harris unveiled her plan to cap price gouging and offer assistance for first-time home buyers. And what did the GOP do? They promptly opposed all such measures.

"...completely preposterous for government to play a role in setting food prices," he said. Unlike the GOP campaign messaging which castigates the Biden Administration for not doing just that.

So the next time one of your friends is complaining about the “Biden Economy,” ask him what, exactly he thinks should be done about it. Because solving the actual problem seems to be a non-starter.

Just like with the border, Republicans don’t really want to solve the problem, they just want to blame their opponents for it. They have zero intention of lowering prices because that wouldn’t be in the best interest of their big donors.


Bohemian said...

It's usually the biggest Pervs who are so preoccupied with everyone else's Sexuality and heap condemnation upon everyone else. When I worked at the DA's Office, the majority of the worst Sex Crimes were committed by allegedly "Religious" folks and the wealthy who assumed they'd get away with it. There would always be the Letters to the Judges by Clergy and Neighbors vouching for what pillars of the Community they were... and yet, what they did behind closed Doors or when nobody was looking, was Twisted as fuck.

bluzdude said...

As I recall from the 80s, all the biggest TV preachers kept getting jammed up in sex scandals. Not a coincidence.