It looks like the Republicans were campaigning for Oscars of their own lately, given all the performances they put on for the people.
In February, TFG signed a useless executive order outlawing something already outlawed.
Naturally, Fox “News” promoted it because they’ll promote
anything that stokes grievances about brown immigrants. Obviously, illegal
immigrants are already ineligible for federal benefits of any kind. They can’t
get unemployment, Social Security, WIC, or anything else. This bill signing
wasn’t anything more than the usual “tough-guy” posturing TFG enjoys so much.
And I guarantee he’ll be reciting this later as “proof” of the effectiveness of
his Administration, while his lapdogs lap it up.
In another issue that is as hilarious as it is sad, the Unqualified Stand-In for the Secretary of Defense, in his sweeping efforts to pretend there are no gay people in the armed services, authorized the removal of a photograph of the legendary aircraft, the Enola Gay. (Not because of the “Enola” part.)
I feel that one might be quietly walked back
just because the idea is so preposterous. Hegseth was so determined to play the
role of Military Macho Man, he let his minions, who don’t know history from
hysterectomy, trash a famous image of a national treasure just because it has
the word “gay” in it.
Just to be sure the “banned” subject matter isn’t forgotten, let me display for you, from deep in the Bluz Archives, this shot of my Great Uncle Ants (giant guy on the right) with the Enola Gay, from when he served with the SeaBees in the South Pacific.
Uncle Ants was the star of this old story I once told, about how he came in from a night out at the bars, stumbled over what he thought was his even more drunk brother, wrestled him up the stairs to bed, scolding him the whole time, only to find out he’d lugged a rolled up carpet up to the second floor.
It was also while Uncle Ants was in the South Pacific
that my grandfather figured out a way to get some booze to
him and his bunkmates while they were in a dry war zone.
I think Sec. Hegseth should have to go through some of
the people that were on the ground in WWII, before screwing around with their
history and artifacts.
There was another grand performance at the State of the
Union address last week, and I’m not referring to that ranty, rambley, run-on
ridiculata spewing from TGF, nor the cane-raising protest from Rep. Al Green. I
mean the burly security guards hustling a lone, elderly US Representative off the floor and out the door. I bet their Moms were proud of them. I know the
MAGAs were, because there’s nothing better to them than a Black guy getting
kicked out of a venue.
The next week, Rep. Green was actually censured by the House. It’s funny how talking back to a president has never been something for which anyone has ever been removed or censured before. I wonder what the difference is now…
Not pictured: The other dipshit who called President
Obama a liar during his SOTU address.
Yep, that’s right. Everything’s OK if a Republican does
it. (And that’s just taking the polite angle and blaming politics. There’s a
good chance the real reason involves something… darker.)
Last Friday, I saw that the Baltimore Catholic
Archdiocese has decided to start offering the rite of Confirmation to
Like any 9-year-old is savvy enough to make a decision
about his spiritual well-being. Hell, I don’t think 14-year-olds (like me at my own confirmation) are qualified
either, but that’s still better than this! The kids are only doing whatever their parents have told them to do. But sure, let the Church
put on a big song and dance about how these kids have “chosen” to entertain Catholic
beliefs. They can pretend all they want.
Luckily, it’s not like these Confirmations are binding. The kids can still come to
their senses a little further down the road, like I did. As George
Carlin said, “I was a Catholic right
up until I reached the age of reason.” Eventually, many will open
their eyes and ears, take a good hard listen to what they’re being fed, see that
much of it is fantasyland, and the rest is nonsense, with few of the positive platitudes
actually playing out in real life. Feeding the poor, healing the sick,
welcoming the strangers? That’s just for church. In real life, the people
wrapped the tightest in their religion are the first ones to disregard all that
pansy empathy stuff, stick out their hand and ask, “Where’s mine?”
Granted, this push may be more because they can count the
confirmed as individuals in their congregations. In other words, it’s stat padding.
When people eventually fade away from the Church, they don’t
usually go through any kind of notification process wherein they formally tell
the Church that they are leaving. They just stop showing up, which allows the Church to keep the person on the books.
It would be nice to think that if there really was a “crisis
of confidence” and the Church wanted to make an honest effort to gain and
retain followers, they would adjust their policies, procedures, and messaging
to connect with more people. But apparently, that’s too hard, so they’re cooking
the books instead.
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