Monday, January 15, 2024

It Was a Call to Action

People were horrified last week when TFG publicly stated that he hoped the economy would crash in the next 12 months, meaning he could then blame President Biden throughout the campaign. For every other politician, such a cravenly selfish statement would bring them down in flames, but as you know, this guy is fire-repellant (as well as the usual kind of repellant.) A statement like his is completely on-brand for him. His fans expect nothing less.

But don’t look at this as just another self-serving proclamation. If you have paid attention to his previous speeches, it reads more like a call to arms. He’s not “hoping,” he’s asking/telling. Just like his statements about hoping “the Russians are listening,” “stand back and stand by,” “will be wild,” and “second amendment solutions,” this was a dog whistle to the select people who have the access and means to crash the economy.

He’s asking for business leaders to create more supply chain problems, for retailers to price-gouge a little more, for layoffs to roll out, and for his oil friends like the Saudis to cut back on production. He’s actively creating the crisis for which he’ll blame his opponent. And if that isn’t “on-brand” for TFG and the Republicans, I don’t know what is.

Just look what they’re doing with the southern border.

From the Baltimore Sun, last Monday.

Not only do they mischaracterize the situation by inferring that it’s much larger than it really is, but they refuse to even sit down to create solutions. It’s much more important to them to use it as a campaign issue than to fix a national problem desperately needing fixing.

The Eco-Destruct message also carries to his governmental partners in crime. He wants nothing more than for the government to be shut down. Obviously, no matter how it takes place, they’ll blame it on the Democrats, for not agreeing to every poison pill they can conjure up and put into play. Fledgling Speaker Johnson apparently didn’t get the message the first time, given his preliminary deal with Senate Leader Schumer, so this was a way to amplify the MAGA message: Never agree with a Democrat! Better to bring down the whole establishment than to cede ground on a single inch.


No matter what the Democrats do, it’s imperative that this guy doesn’t assume the reins of the government again. As I’ve said before, this time there will be no adults in the room to rein in his whack-a-doo impulses, only aiders and abettors. Did you see the statement from his former Communications Director about how he actively wanted to have people killed? In particular, regarding an aide who leaked negative information about him?

This guy as President, with complete immunity (as he is currently seeking in court), would be like having King Joffrey running the country.

Picture every wonton whim being carried out by enthusiastic yes-men and sadists, eager to please the Boy King, the gorier the better. Once he stacks the Justice Department with his toadies, “justice” will be for “Just Us,” as in Trump followers only. Anyone who displeases him in any way, like by opposing an idea, protesting unfair treatment, or merely saying something negative about him, will be dealt with and will most likely never be heard from again. It wouldn’t surprise me if he did like his autocratic idols do and charged the family for the bullet. Or in the case of a Putin-like long fall from an open window, charge them for sidewalk cleanup.

The Supreme Court may or may not find a way to claim TFG was/is immune from prosecution. The only sure way to keep the nightmare scenario from coming to pass is to not vote him in!


Bohemian said...

Can't he just hurry up and FOAD already? He's like a terminal malignancy that has no Cure.

bluzdude said...

No kidding! To quote "The West Wing," he ought to be "one prime rib short of a massive heart attack" by now.