Monday, January 8, 2024

It's Just Not Funny Anymore

 Just as the national economy is rounding into shape, the Village Idiot, aka TFG, wants to come in and “fix” it. Naturally, his “fix” will undo all the progress made since COVID shut things down, and provide another zillion-dollar care package for the rich.

Worst of all, he can do much of this on his own, without Congress, which is like giving a kid the keys to the candy store. He plans to raise tariffs on all foreign goods by 10%, be even more aggressive in deporting undocumented aliens, and roll out another round of tax cuts. This is so “out there,” even the conservative economists think it’s crazy.”

It all makes sense, through the lens of TFG. He still thinks raising tariffs on imports sounds good, like he’s sticking it to the foreigners, where in fact, he’s sticking it to the Americans who buy the goods, which often aren’t available as domestically produced merchandise. Or maybe he does know better, and he and his inner circle have a great laugh at his MAGA fan club who eats this shit up, only to lose a bigger chunk of their family dollars. They know it will just get blamed on the Democrats anyway.

It also sounds good to his racist band to get tough on illegal immigrants, even though they are a vital force in keeping prices down. Those salad fixins’ aren’t going to pick themselves, nor will the hotel beds be made without the maids. If Republicans really wanted to do something about illegal immigration, they could go after businesses that hire them. When was the last time you heard a proposition like that from Republicans? That’s the last thing they’ll ever do. It’s much more fun for them to round up the brown people and try to best each other over who can be more cruel.

Republicans don’t want to solve the “border crisis,” they just want to use it as a campaign issue they can use to scare Middle America into voting Red. Didn’t they just refuse to vote for a $13 billion border package to add agents on the ground and ramp up processing capability? That alone tells you they’d rather yell about immigration than address it.

Lastly, anyone telling you that cutting taxes on the rich will eventually help everyone else is lying to your face. It never happens. It’s been tried throughout the last several decades and not once has it helped anyone but those who directly received the governmental largesse. I can’t believe they even try to push that bullshit anymore, but here they are again, pretending that the Reagan, Bush, and Trump tax cuts didn’t single-handedly wreck economies of their times. That’s probably another thing they laugh about over drinks in the Inner Sanctum.

If The Former Guy becomes The Current Guy again, he’s not going to tolerate a bunch of career politicians foisted on him who will act like a brake on his deluded agenda, like he did before. This time around, it’s Yes Men all the way. No more sanity checks before the executive orders are signed. And if the judiciary finds them unconstitutional, he’ll just find some new judges. So if we’re stupid enough to elect him again, there will be no stopping the damage he’s prepared to do, all in the name of feeding his ego and owning the libs. He’ll be like Fat Rambo, coming to destroy your town, your state, and your nation.

But that won’t matter to the MAGAs; they’ll be in hog heaven.


Bohemian said...

They just did a comparison of the Two Insurrections, the one here and theone in South America... and how in the aftermath the outcomes are polar opposite. In South America they banned their Guy from running again until 2030 and ALL of their Far Right Politicians were in unity and condemned him. He was now irrelevant in his own Country and banished to obscurity and... wait for it... wait for it... Florida... where the MAGAts welcomed him like some kind of Hero. This is the difference. Sadly, the Republican Politicians and hard line Republicans in this Country WANT what 45 is offering and are in complete Agreement with his Hitleresque behavior and speeches.

bluzdude said...

It's been widely demonstrated now that Republicans love to tout the Rule of Law, but they only want to see it applied to their opponents, never to themselves. If they see themselves as above the law, it's no surprise that they see their leader as such too.